Boise Makeup and Fitness|Snapshots by Jolene
Meet Laura! She's an old friend that recently moved back to Idaho. We had the chance to get together and catch up, talk business, and she let me take some photos of her. She's a licensed esthetician and fitness coach. She, like me, is in the business of helping make women look and FEEL their best! If you're booking a session with me for boudoir or portraits she's one of my go to girls! I'll let her introduce herself below. Make sure to check out her website Get Pretty Get Fit!
I grew up most of my life feeding myself negative criticism minute-by-minute, day-by-day that eventually it buried me into a deep depression which stemmed to anxiety issues and panic attacks. Negative self-talk is an epidemic that doesn’t get enough attention and I’m on a mission to stop it!
Over the years, I’ve learned that I don’t have to live in my negativity. I can create my own happiness and help others learn how to do the same. It’s through my fitness groups, my makeup classes and applications that I help woman see their potential. I help woman not only look beautiful, but FEEL beautiful from the inside out. Because when we have self-love we can let our light shine and there is no better feeling. ”